Gabor Vosteen - The Fluteman

​Gabor Vosteen is a classical trained recorder player and comedian. His speciality is the playing of five recorders at the same. That's why he is often simply called "the fluteman". His unique combination of music with visual comedy resulted in collaborations in different fields. His latest creation is his solo „The Fluteman Show“.
He was awarded with several prizes such as the audience prize Tuttlinger Krähe 2014, 1. Prize at Kleinkunst- und Gauklerpreis Koblenz 2014, audience prize and 2. jury prize Niederstätter SurPrize in Bozen. 
Gabor performed in shows as Night of the Proms, for Circus Roncalli and in Variety Shows. And as well at venues such as Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Konzerthaus Wien, Konzerthaus Dortmund, KKL Luzern, Gewandhaus zu Leipzig and  TV Shows  as „Le plus grand Cabaret du Monde“. 

​ The flautist melds musical virtuosity, the comedy of mime, bizarre outfits and a startling mastery of wordless vivacity into a sensational performance. 

Saarbrücker Zeitung


  • 1. Prize Gauklerfestung 2024 Koblenz GERMANY
  • "König der Kleinkunst" - Die Krönung, Burgdorf & Aadorf 2024 SWITZERLAND
  • YAM Award 2019 - Best small ensemble DENMARK
  • Jurypreis - Herborner Schlumpeweck 2019
  • Finalist, St. Ingberter Pfanne. 2019
  • Gewinner - KleinKunstPreis Gauklerfestival Attendorn 2017
  • 3. Platz - "Grand Prix der Artisten" Weihnachtscircus Hannover 2016/17
  • 1. Preis. Gaukler- und Kleinkunstpreis der Stadt Koblenz 2014
  • Publikumspreis Tuttlinger Krähe 2014
  • Rosgocirk Sonderpreis - Moskau Zirkus Nikulin 2013
  • Publikumspreis & 2. Jury Preis - Europäischer Kleinkunstwettbewerb "Niederstätter surPrize" 2012
  • Finalist - WQXR Classical Comedy Contest 2011, Carolines Comedy Club, Broadway, New York
  • Finalist, Hamburger Comedy Pokal